TestNG Annotations list and execution order

TestNG is testing framework enhancing the Junit framework.

Lets look at different annotations it provides for the test execution stand point.

Following is the list of all annotations that one may require to control after or before facts of test execution. These methods will execute before or after the event is called. These annotations does not depend on the test execution status.


the sample test class with annotations produces following output. All the other annotations does not need any parameters except that before and after group annotation, following is how we can mention the group name.

	public void beforeGroups() {
		System.out.println("Calling before groups");

Output from java console :


While doing console logs, I have struggled to get rid off other console messages produced by the chrome driver. Following piece of code is used to suppress the console logs produced by chrome driver, added this just thought might be relevant to share.

System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", ChromeDriverPath);
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.silentOutput", "true");